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Art and Design

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Start Art Education provides a wide range of resources spanning a variety of subject areas. Resources are written by an experienced educator with 20 years of Art teaching in secondary schools behind him. He also has a wide range of other specialisms including Design Technology, PSHE, Citizenship, Physical Education and Early Years teaching.




Start Art Education provides a wide range of resources spanning a variety of subject areas. Resources are written by an experienced educator with 20 years of Art teaching in secondary schools behind him. He also has a wide range of other specialisms including Design Technology, PSHE, Citizenship, Physical Education and Early Years teaching.


This resource provides a range of superhero templates that children can use to design their own superhero character. They can add colour to develop their own super suit and then they can think about the super powers that their character will have. You could encourage children to develop super powers linked to study skills, for instance, super memory or super writing ability …. Or you could use it as a lead into creative writing, with their superhero saving the day in an adventure. Male and female character templates are provided. This resource could help make cross curricular links – study skills, art, creative writing. Please leave feedback. We really value your views. Many thanks.
PSHCE Form Time Activities

PSHCE Form Time Activities

Form time can be pressurised…… Register to be taken, notices to be read out, student queries to be answered ….. and the weekly PSHCEE topic to be covered! This resource provides discussion staring points for Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship, Economic Education. The aim is to provide a quick, at a glance resource which will help you to start class discussions. They have been written with a focus on the student. What do they think? What do they know? The following topics are covered. • Bullying • Careers • Disability • Drugs • Finances • Personal Health • Race relations • Relationships • The Environment
What sort of Superhero are You? PSHE

What sort of Superhero are You? PSHE

This resource provides a range of superhero templates that children can use to design their own superhero character. They can add colour to develop their own super suit and then they can think about the super powers that their character will have. You could encourage children to develop super powers linked to study skills, for instance, super memory or super writing ability …. Or you could use it as a lead into creative writing, with their superhero saving the day in an adventure. Male and female character templates are provided. This resource could help make cross curricular links – study skills, art, creative writing. Please leave feedback. We really value your views. Many thanks.
Bonfire Night Fireworks Colouring Book

Bonfire Night Fireworks Colouring Book

Celebrate Bonfire Night with this colouring book. This resource provides 25 photocopiable images of fireworks for colouring. Each image also has a clear reminder to be safe on the 5th of November. A fun activity which can be used to remind children to enjoy Bonfire Night but also to take care. Happy Bonfire Night from Start Art Resources.
Why choose Art? Careers in Art slideshow. Updated

Why choose Art? Careers in Art slideshow. Updated

A promotional tool - very useful at a time when fewer students are opting for exam level Art courses. An extensive slideshow emphasising the merits of Art education. The slideshow includes information on potential careers as well as more general focus on the values of creative thinking. Each slide includes visual imagery. Fully editable, this resource is ideal for lessons, open evenings and presentations.


A range of discussion activities focussing on Drugs. An ideal resource for when planning and delivery time is tight!
PSHE and Citizenship Topic Discussion Activities. Updated.

PSHE and Citizenship Topic Discussion Activities. Updated.

A collection of PSHE and Citizenship discussion activities for Key Stage 3 and 4 students. These individual sheets provide discussion structures for Bullying, Careers, Disability, Drugs, Finances, Personal Health, Race Relations, Relationships and the Environment. Nether can be used for whole class discussions, small group discussions, or prompts for individual written work. An ideal resource for when planning and delivery time is tight!
Drug Education Policy. Updated

Drug Education Policy. Updated

A compete Drugs Policy covering the school's approach to drugs education and drugs related incidents. This resource provides a full and thorough policy that is completely editable to suit the specific needs of your school.